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+86 18030037753
50 Ohm 3/8 super flexible coaxial copper feeder cable
50 Ohm 3/8" super flexible coaxial copper feeder cable
50 ohms corrugated copper tube coaxial cable is made on advanced physical foaming insulation production line and argon arc welding, corrugating and slotting production line.
50 ohms corrugated copper tube coaxial cable is mainly used for the connection of transmitter, receiver and antenna and also connection between wireless communication equipments or other low loss and VSWR signal transmission at high frequency application. The cables is featured with low attenuation, low VSWR, small coefficient of temperature, strong corrosion resistance, good longitudinally water seal and high power capacity.
________________________________ Cable Construction _________________________________
__________________________________ Mechanical Characteristics ________________________________
________________________________ Electrical Properties _____________________________________
__________________________________ Transmission Properties _________________________________
_________________________________________ VSWR _________________________________________
___________________________________ Environmental Properties _________________________________