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+86 18030037753
50 Ohm low loss RF LMR400 coaxial flexible communication cable
50 Ohm low loss RF LMR400 coaxial flexible communication cable
Low Loss DC-L400 is designed to deliver high performance with minimal loss. It is equivalent to LMR-400. With a durable Polyethylene jacket, these cables are suited for indoor and outdoor installations. Low loss DC-L400 is light and flexible for ease of installation. You can use any LMR-400 sized tool with it, and it also accepts standard size connectors that work with LMR-400 cable. It is mainly used as feeder lines, jumper, data information transmission lines, etc.for mobile communication and radio communication, computer room, etc.
________________________________ Cable Construction _________________________________
_____________________________ Mechanical Characteristics ___________________________________
__________________________________ Electrical Properties ____________________________________
____________________________ Attenuation At Typical Frequencies ____________________________
_______________________________________ VSWR __________________________________________